/ Library

Renew Library Materials

If you want to extend the due date on your checked-out items, you can usually renew them.

Most materials can be renewed online. The due date will be increased for the same amount of time as the original check-out period. For instance, if an item was due in four weeks when you checked it out, then we will extend the due date by four weeks.

Ways to renew Hope-owned library items

  • Access (log in with your 1Hope username and password)
  • Call the Circulation Desk at (616) 395-7905 and ask to have your books renewed
  • Bring your Hope ID card to the Circulation Desk and a circulation attendant will renew your books for you

Ways to renew interlibrary loan materials

  • If you requested the item through , log into to renew it
  • If the item was delivered through standard interlibrary loan,  to renew it

You cannot renew an item if:

  • The item has already been renewed the maximum number of times
  • There is a hold on the item by another patron
  • The item is on Course Reserve
  • You owe more than $100 in library fines